Get Involved at Ashland Productions!

Ashland has multiple opportunities being offered at the current time.

Please scroll all the way through the page to see all current available ways to get involved at Ashland Productions.

Audition Opportunities

Want to be in an Ashland Production?? Check out our Auditions Page to stay up to date on audition dates and signups for the full season!

Summer Camp Counselors

Applications are now open for Summer Camp Counselors for the 2025 Summer Season. Those who are interested should fill out the form here!

Join our Backstage Crew!

ACT - Press Start

We are now accepting tech applications for our ACT show Press Start. Learn more and apply HERE!

Matilda Jr.

We are now accepting tech applications for our spring show Matilda Jr. Learn more and apply HERE!

Volunteer Positions

If you are interested in volunteering DAY OF SHOW (usher, tickets, concessions & notes at intermission)

for our next feature production BIG FISH please sign up here.

If you're interested in helping out at Ashland but there are no active signups, or you are unavailable for current opportunities but would like to be considered in the future, you can fill out our Interest Form below! Below you will find examples of our jobs that need doing from time to time.

Volunteer Jobs:
Ushering, General Office Work, Fundraising Events, Marketing, Audition help, 

Working Backstage, Set Building, Costumes, Lighting, Sound & many more! 

Want to volunteer at Ashland but can’t commit to a full production??

Visit our Fundraising & Volunteers Page to view our current out-of-show volunteer needs

Thank you for considering donating your time to Ashland Productions!